Letter of Reference from the Director of The Jewish Family Institute

I sincerely hope, and pray to G-d, that as a result of my own personal example of total immersion into Jewish adult education, I can inspire my students to emulate the goals I set before them: To grow as Jews via increased Jewish learning.

I would like to inspire others to join with me in what I consider to be the "third leg" of the rabbinate: Outreach. The first two of these "legs" are Pulpit Rabbis, and School Rabbis. Now, with the emergence of Outreach Rabbis, not only are synagogues and schools the forum for Jewish education, but also any other venue, be it the home, work, college, or any informal domain.

My specific long term objective is to penetrate these other areas, not covered by synagogues and schools, and cater my educational services to the time frames of the individuals who need it most: The working, studying, or homemaking Jews who don't have the time or inclination to make it to synagogue or school.

The most meaningful aspect of this work calls out to those of us fashioning this craft to be innovative, imaginative, and resourceful, as we launch a sort of "unconventional war" on Jewish ignorance. I, and my associates, must overcome our fear of treating other Jews as "strangers". I am called upon to adopt the methods of marketing, salesmanship, and advertising in order to "sell" Judaism to Jews, because of my love for my fellow Jews.

This is unlike anything required in the formal settings of synagogue and school, and whilst some groups have attained a degree of success, much more remains to be done on a mass scale.

My aspirations are that enough communal leaders, religious leaders, and philanthropists will realize the importance of this newly emergent outreach Rabbinate, and give it the support it richly deserves.

I hope too, to touch the lives of so many of our ignorant (Jewishly) brethren and inspire them through deed and thought to undertake the quest for self-betterment through increased commitment to study and observance of Judaism.

I pray that the Almighty give me the health, strength, and years, to play a significant role in spreading knowledge, love, and fear of G-d throughout the Jewish and general world.

Inasmuch as "a little light disperses much darkness", I hope that my own efforts will add to the disappearance of Jewish ignorance and apathy and a reawakening to the beauty of what it means to be a Jew.
